Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mental Meanderings of My Mind are Mostly Meh

[Wednesday's Wisdom] For some reason, I got to thinking about the Monarch butterfly tonight and the millions that we saw down at their winter home in Mexico. As they pass through during their travel, they stay here for a few days and we saw them at the Botanical Garden a few years ago. Here is a shot that reminds me of them hanging onto the trees.

And it must be near their mating season. Here is Maverick Monarch and his wingman, Goose, getting ready for a date.

I like how the leaves look with those water droplets in this shot.

I don't like how the characters look in this classic CoV. However, they were a lot quicker to create than the bitstrips versions with faces and body positions and scenes.

[Thursday Thoughts] I saw a really cool link on Yahoo this morning. An Israeli artist created sketches of what Disney characters might look like in real life. I found it very interesting. Did you? Did you even look? It would only take a minute or so.

I stood in the shower this morning after I turned off the water and noticed my feet felt cold. True, I take my shower as cool as I can stand because there are two more following mine. Later, I checked the thermostat and the house was at 67F. It reminded me of when the kids were young and we would go to my parent's house in the summer. It was 100F+ outside, but Dad kept his house in the low 70s (maybe 73F or 74F). Anyway, what I remembered was the kids asking for blankets and wrapping up to stay warm. Those of you from cooler climes might now understand that. Would you rather live in cold country and worry about snow and ice and freezing temps during the winter in order to have a summer season that is pleasant? I will stick with really hot in the summer and see 78F in mid-January.

Did I tell you that the majority of my recent camera shots seem to be underexposed? Most I have saved, but a few were too grainy after I tried to increase the exposure via Aperture or Photoshop. Also, I am still using the kit lens I borrowed from LMW after the cat pushed mine off a shelf onto the tile floor. I am toying with upgrading to a newer version camera. If I do so, I'd like to have it before vacations. I'll let you know. I will most likely stay with Nikon, although with no pre-existing lenses, Canon could work. I am watching prices and comparing specs.

Led ZepAgain is coming to the area in early Feb. I haven't decided if I want to see this tribute band or not. I don't know if I know enough of their songs, plus you can be sure it will be LOUD. Wait a minute. Did I just channel my Dad? Back when my SS lived at home, I was exposed to many other groups, including Metallica. When I was looking for the LZ cover band info above, I came across Beatallica, that does Beatles songs in Metallica style. Have you heard of them? I had not. Check out Help on youtube.

I've had fun with y'all today. How about you? If so, then check back tomorrow for more hilarity and joviality and frivolity (and any other appropriate "-ity" words).

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