Monday, January 06, 2014

And the 2014 Workyear Begins

I don't think you heard from me on Friday, did you? Actually, I cannot remember as I was sick with flu and bronchitis. Yeah, it was a pretty ugly cough. As of Sunday night, I am much better, although some of that cough still remains. If you can help it, do not get it. When I am better, I need to go get a flu shot. Yes, it is  late in the season, but why take a chance?

Remember when I had an NZ Niece (who is now Ex-NZ Niece)? Well, they came through town last week to see their college team in a bowl game. While here, KLIK+JV came by to visit with them. Here's proof.

Remember when I shared JV's emotional range in a previous post? Let's take a look at him playing with one of his favorite presents. See, he's so happy.

No, he actually does smile sometimes. Here he is actually smiling about his punching toy.

And here he is enjoying his car.

And hopefully, you will be smiling after you remember this classic from May of 2009.

There is a game called Quao that I have looked at purchasing in the past, but I haven't pulled that trigger yet. However, I did pull the trigger on listening to this podcast which involves Sir Patrick Stewart talking about accents in cows. Go listen now. It's pretty clever.

Did any of y'all see this Yahoo article about an internet-connected toothbrush? Now, we will read about hackers saying, "Well, we do have his credit card number, but, ewww. He hasn't brushed his teeth in three days. Let's buy some floss with his card and send it to him."

I am struggling to find additional content for today's blog post, so let's wrap it up. I am sure I will find something else for tomorrow. I'll see you then.

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