Friday, September 06, 2013

Friday Family Fun...Finally

I must have done a bit too much in my workout yesterday because my left arm is reallly sore today. I did not eat any spinach yesterday, though.

I guess it is a good thing I am getting some exercise because, yesterday, I moved between five different buildings for meetings and stuff. (What is stuff, anyway? Is it good or bad?) Today, it looks like I only need to be in three buildings for various meetings and stuff (Here, stuff means typing up minutes, working on plans, and other administrivia that is not meetings). In and around meetings, there is a 10am-4pm training on Project Server that I should sit in on.

I did not get around to working on today's post last night, so I am writing it in the silence of an empty office (at least for a few minutes more). Even so, I have already been over into my work calendar and email four times. That is an average of one work incident per paragraph of this post. That is sad, peoples. Sad.

We dropped by Sprouts on the way home from the Y last night to grab a few fruits and healthy cereals. I picked up a horned melon (which I have not tried yet) and some rambutan (and I have already eaten one of those). I used to get rambutan in Malaysia and I really like them, so I bought eight. My food tracker, Fat Secret, does not include fresh rambutan, though. Too bad. You can see on the link that they have a lot of nutrients in them. So does the melon, and it is in the food database.

GRANDS are staying with us tomorrow night. I am not sure what our plans are, but they usually revolve around one trip to Golden Arches and its indoor playground. Maybe we'll hit the newly remodeled one over by the folks' house. We will also do a bit of swimming.

This is kind of an interesting story about one of Hitler's bodyguards. Wow, his remembrances certainly seem sanitized.

I seem to have run out of steam on today's post. We can visit again next week, OK?

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