Thursday, September 19, 2013

Something Old, Something New

We watched the finale of Big Brother last night. As had been true all season, it was somewhat predictable. In fact, I would have voted the same way. However, I am sure the program will return next summer. Some shows are ending forever, though. Breaking Bad only has two episodes left, and Dexter only has one. However, it is time for a new season of Survivor and for a new period of scooting over to the folks' house for our annual Survivor party every week. It started last night, and I ate my "delicious" vegan meal while they feasted on pizza and wings.

Since the evening was full of family and fun, I did not upload a photo for you (I know...again!). I did not even work on this blog post or today's Clarity of Vision. Luckily, I came up with an idea while showering this morning.

I did see this article yesterday that I knew I wanted to share with my reading audience. Ever since the digital age began taking off, you could have guessed that this would be a worthwhile application, right? Beam it up, Scotty.

One day, we will all stand before our Maker in judgment. Do you believe that? Well, if you do not, there will be a day when you realize you should have believed it. What about the Devil? Do you believe in him? How many of your fellow citizens do you think believe in the Devil? Are Republicans more likely to believe than Democrats? This link will give you the numbers.

We never visited Acapulco, and I imagine that these people wish they had not, either. We didn't make it there simply due to distance, but these tourists are wishing they didn't because of the hurricanes. Hurricanes? Yes, one from the east and another from the the same time.

OK, supervisor just came in, so I will wrap this up. I have a meeting in just 30 minutes anyway, so I should get ready. See you on Friday (which just happens to be our daughter's birthday..but don't tell her I told you).

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