Friday, September 27, 2013

Ti-i-i-ime is Not on My Side. Not Today.

I had not even finished today's Clarity of Vision when my supervisor arrived and started talking about today's activities. What is up with that? Can't a guy have any time at work to do personal blogging?

Do you think the Cowboys will win this weekend? they did OK last week. And what about the Cardinals? They did not fare as well last week, so let's see if they can get back on the winning track.

Now that you are thinking about football, let's look at today's CoV.

Do you prefer any particular style of sheets? Do thread count matter to you? Really? Well, read this and see if you agree with their conclusion.

The GRANDS are coming over tonight. I would imagine that will definitely mean hitting McDonald's for dinner and playing on the playground. It will probably involve some swimming. And it might involve brunch on Saturday. It will involve doing crafts in between all those eating places. And it means a lot of Disney Channel. We are lucky that we live close to them, though. And lucky that they like to spend time with us.

I am less lucky, though, in time to write today's post. I need to go. I keep getting pulled into workplace discussions. Have a great weekend.

[Post-publish postscript] I heard that NZ Niece and J-Man are back in the US now. I need to come up with a new moniker for her now. I will need to think about it.

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