Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Somber Date

On the radio during my commute this morning, I heard the ceremony going on in NY in remembrance of the 9/11 tragedy. Here we are twelve years later and, hopefully, a little safer and a little wiser about the threats to our lives and livelihoods. However, I still am not sure what I think about the US striking Syria.

For the Clarity of Vision today, I did not feel that a 9/11 comic would work, but I did incorporate a little reminder in it. Otherwise, it is a normal weekly meeting of the DJs association and their chaplain. Yes, Preacher Bro, he should look familiar.

I had to check on the folks last night since they did not come to Chorale practice. No problem. Everything is OK...they just forgot it was Tuesday. We are having dinner with them tonight.

I was in a meeting all morning yesterday to see how all the workstreams of our project are doing and what their plans are over the next 3-4 months. Wow, there are a lot of moving pieces. My supervisor wants me to check on the different ways that the teams are tracking the day-to-day type items that are too small to include in the big project plan. Uh oh. I should probably have some checklist of my own before I look into the glass houses of others, right? So, I will be leaving you pretty soon.

Today's meal plan includes a Trader Joe's Veggie Wrap, some guacamole, two figs, some grapes, some carrots, one rambutan, a kale and zucchini salad, and a slice of wheat bread. Now don't tell me you are not jealous. I will have an appetizer of some black beans and salsa before we go over for dinner. Now that is fine dining.

OK, I've really got to knock a couple of things out before a meeting at 8am. Take care, my friends. I don't always write a blog post, but when I do, I prefer A Legend In My Own Mind.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Hey, thanks for the chaplain nod. At first I thought He was My Brother.
By the way, in light of your current direction regarding eating, a friend of mine gave me some links you might want to check out:
Wise Traditions in Food (a video intro is found here:
Introduction to Traditional Eating)
And this appears interesting too:
Impact of Color on Health