Thursday, September 26, 2013

Where Was the Wednesday Blog Post?

What can I say? I didn't get around to it. I did not even do a Clarity of Vision. Did you even notice? While my family feels that I have been just as sick (or sicker) since I started the vegan diet, I suspect I need to balance which foods I eat more often and get more exercise. I will stay with this diet through the initial three months and get my lab work done to evaluate if it is making any difference. So, we should know sometime in November.

I did take time to create a comic on Wednesday night. Now, you can take the time to read it.

You say you want a revolution? Well, The Beatles are not coming back, but the TV program Revolution returned Wednesday night, and it is on as I write this. The power was on and ICBMs were in flight as last season ended. What happened? Were they successful in aborting the missiles? Is the power still on? I can't say yet since some of you may have recorded the show and not watched it yet.

Back in the old days, there was an attraction called Casa Magnetica. It went away in the 70s, but was brought back a few years ago for 50 days. Here is a video of the rooms and the story that went along with it. Ex-Navy Nephew put up some info about a similar attraction up near San Fran. If you have kids, you should certainly check it out. I also seem to remember a similar place somewhere in CO but it has been years since we saw it. However, I just checked a website listing a number of these types of places and there is nothing in CO. Oh well, y'all should still check out one. They are always interesting.

Speaking of kids, we are keeping the GRANDS tomorrow night. I don't know what we have planned. I will let MBH come up with some suggestion. Maybe brunch on Saturday since we have not done that with them in a while.

After thinking about past rides at Six Flags, I am reminded of a personal favorite called La Salle's River Adventure. This video includes the narrative spiel, part of which we still periodically use in my family. "Francois, is it safe to go on?" We use it to warn each other if someone in the family is in a bad mood. Actually, we paraphrase it to "Francois, it is not safe to go on."

Is the project still crazy busy? Yes, and getting crazier everyday. We are still scheduled to go live with the first new methods for working on a degree on Monday and so management is anxious and we have to check every task to see how it is doing. Will we make it? I still think so. The team I am on is in charge of ensuring we have 24x7 support for the first week and reporting on all findings daily to management. We are finalizing our database for storing the info now and have submitted the proposed process for getting questions and obtaining answers to management for approval.

OK, I need to drop off. My supervisor is getting off the elevator now and will begin talking as soon as she enters our room. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Welcome back. I did miss you; I checked back probably 4-5 times! Glad you're better.
Thanks for the links.