Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Yes, Mine Furor (Well, Not Actually Mine)

It seems the furor over the bad call in the Monday Night Football game is still ongoing. However, with the League standing behind the call, I am wondering if it is enough to drive both sides back to the bargaining table. I guess it may not affect the Saints, but for the real teams.... Sorry, Lewis, you opened that door.

However, the whole issue made me wonder about a strike affecting the workplace. Who would they bring in as replacements? Well, why not some of the thousands of unemployed teachers?

The concert went pretty well last night at the nursing home. However, it was really hot up on stage. How hot was it? It was so hot that it felt cool when we stepped outside after the concert into the 93°F air.

OK, only eight more days of covering for Pat. Today I have to lead a whole-team conference call, so that should be the most visible thing I do during my coverage. I am not worried that I can do the job. I would just like to impress everyone by not missing a single part of her job, you know? I can do it.

The external web connection is acting flaky this morning. Are you seeing it? No, I guess not since it is only inside our company. Anyway, every others time I click Save, it is saying "An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again." Of course, it displays that. I doesn't actually say it.

I am going to try and publish it now. I have run out of things to say and I have some stuff I need to get done before the call. Before you leave, pop over to Lindsay's blog. I heard she posted a new one, although I have not read it yet.

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