Thursday, September 27, 2012

Can Survivor Inspire You?

It inspired me last night. I had to get up during the show and write down a couple of ideas for Clarity of Vision.
Hey, I did not say it was a worthwhile inspiration.

I attended the dedication ceremony for Ali's new school yesterday. It was interesting and I am glad that I went. As an added benefit, I got to visit with my old friend, the Mayor, for a few minutes afterward, so that was nice. And Ali got to meet with some of the Board of Directors as they toured her school, so that kind of visibility never hurts. And the state School Superintendent used to be on that board, so that's good for both wife and daughter.

I noted that I watched Survivor last night and it was over at our weekly Survivor Party at the folks'. However, we found out that half of us are busy next week and the other half the following week and a few of us are busy the week after that. The season will be half over before the full crew is back together. Oh, the cruelty of life intruding on that sacred rite. Right?

Oh man. I have already succumbed to the siren call of a chocolate glazed donut this morning. Still, I am not sure that means I will be eating poorly all day, but I had hoped not to have one today even if the vendor brought in the two dozen Dunkin Donuts he often provides. Oh well, I'll try to add a bit of effort at the gym to somewhat offset the extra 300 calories.

Now that McDonald's displays the calories on their menu board, will you change what you choose? Do you do that at any restaurant? Might you have something fried if the menu does not remind you of the huge increase in calories? My choices seems to go back and forth, but are not hugely influenced by seeing the calories at the time. Lindsay, are the calories 20% lower in NZ since the NZ Dollar is only 82% of the US Dollar?

Two hours just freed up this afternoon since the CIO canceled an All Hands IT Meeting. Nice.

OK, I need to pull some metrics together before we publish a Project Activity report. Hopefully, I will survive today and be back to steal away some of your time again tomorrow. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

So the people in NZ seem to think American food is higher in calories and served in ginormous portions! But in reality, the portions and unhealthiness of NZ food is on par with the US. But I do think we should get a discount!