Monday, September 10, 2012

And How Was YOUR Weekend?

I remember there were a couple of things that I wanted to tell you about the weekend, but I cannot bring them to mind yet. One was about Sunday School, but I don't remember any other ideas yet. I will just start with what I do remember.

The question is... did YOU remember that I was teaching Nehemiah 2 in Sunday School yesterday? I borrowed a couple of commentaries from Dad and got a nice, three-page lesson prepared. I watched the time and made it through the final application questions right on time. Oh, wait. I worked through the front of the first sheet, flipped the papers and taught the front of the second sheet. Can you guess what had happened? I did not look at the back of page 1, so I missed 1/3 of my lesson. No wonder I was not tight on time.

We had an East Valley Chorale yesterday, but it was not our best. Maybe everyone was suffering from allergies, maybe we were tired. I don't know. Anyway, I think the audience was none the wiser.

I know you are wondering where today's Clarity of Vision is. OK, here is CoV #801.

Right now, we are thinking that my 1997 Altima is not worth saving. They want $1600 to fix it, but after the $3K from last year, that would mean sinking almost $5000 into an old car with no guarantee it would make it another couple of years. I have asked if they can repair it enough to drive it home and then I can sell it or use it as trade in or maybe donate it. I will borrow Dad's Expedition for a while and have started scouring the ads for a replacement.

No, I have not remembered the other thing I had thought to blog about, so we will either forget about it (I have a good head-start on that) or you'll see it in tomorrow's entry.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Justin and I were recently discussing the car catch 22. Do you buy a new or fairly new car with a warranty and pay more for it but hopefully don't have to fix it or at least pay to fix it? Or do you buy an older less expensive car that will always need fixing at some point? Then how much do you spend before selling it?? And then throw in a are moving to another country in 12 months so you only get to use it for a year! I'll give you hint on the an older car and then spend $2K to fix it. I feel your pain :)