Thursday, September 06, 2012

Pre-Friday After Only Two Workdays

Yes, I could easily get used to these four day workweeks. How about you? So tomorrow is already Friday and we've only had to work two days to get there. Now, though, it's a long time until the next holiday.

This humidity is really messing with my hair. It is bugging me big time, both because of the humidity and because it is getting a little long. I think I have an appointment to get it cut tonight. Whoo hoo. My family can tell when it is time because it starts to look like a toupee. At least I still have a full head of hair, though.

No BS last night. That's right. I did not do my Bible study last night in preparation for teaching Sunday School. I am using the J. Vernon McGee study series and I really like it. I learned more about the Dung Gate of Jerusalem than I ever wanted to know. I have to decide if I will tell my joke about the shortest man in the Bible. "It's not Zacchaeus, although he was a wee little man. It's not Nee-high-miah although we are studying him this quarter. It is Bildad the Shuhite." Get it? shoe height? Ha ha.

Just one meeting today, but several outstanding tasks, so I need to get going. That is not to say you are not important, but you don't help pay my bills. Hmm. Would you? If I asked nicely? OK, then, it is settled. Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.

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