Thursday, September 20, 2012

We Survived the Party

Yep, Survivor is back for its 25th season, and the WFSG (Walker Family Survivor gathering) is underway. As usually happens, it was a pizza and wings night, and much merriment and incredulous comments were shared. I cannot speak for the others, but I was surprised on their choice for eviction, but cannot disagree that it was the right one for the team.

I also cannot disagree with my choice of CoV topic, given the initial pun and subsequent related comments in yesterday's comic.
At the moment, I cannot think of a third day's puns around NDA, so you will probably get a break.

Am I going to need to curse someone out today since Hell's Kitchen is currently off the air and I am missing my weekly fill of profanity? Not that I only cuss when there's no Hell's Kitchen, of course. My cubicle often sounds like a sailor works there, which reminds me that I forgot to mention that yesterday was "Talk like a pirate" Day. Arrrrgh, matey. Ye oughta keelhaul me.

I do, however, remember what today is. Happy Birthday, Alison! Oh, you're probably wondering what today is? That was not a non-sequitor. It is my little girl's b-day, although we won't go out for her b-day meal until tomorrow when JV+KLIK can join us.

Training is going well. I am beginning to get a bit nervous for going two weeks covering her projects. Oh well. If something doesn't flow perfectly, I am sure we can get around it.

OK, let's get today's party started. No, it won't be as fun as last night's WFSG, but we cannot stay on such a sustained high for two full days, right? On your mark, get ready, GO!

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Tell Alison happy birthday! The Vegas trip looked fun!