Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom

No, if you are seeking words of wisdom, you are in the wrong place. This is more like Wednesday's Waster Words or Mid-week Musings of a Madman. Actually, that is true almost everyday. So, if you check this space frequently, you should already know what you are getting. Now, I will give you some more of it.

Chorale practice was somewhat sparsely attended last night. I know the folks weren't there due to allergies or something, and the director said he was struggling with them, also. I certainly felt some symptoms. I do enjoy singing choir songs, though. We have a concert on Sunday, so I hope everyone is back for that.

Maybe they should bring something to drink. Dr. Pepper, anyone?

We are down around 100°F this week, but the humidity is above 50%, so it's a bit sticky outside. I really don't know how early desert dwellers handled living here without air conditioning. I come out of my house with A/C, hop in the car and turn on the A/C and work all day in A/C. I do the same for the drive home. I also think that, even if I lived in the Northeast, I would want a house with an A/C (or at least some room A/C units).

I'm thinking I would like to do a CoV series on high school reunions. Any standard comments you heard at your 10th? 20th? even 30th?

Did you watch the DNC coverage last night and hear Michelle Obama's speech? I did not. I never watched it when Bush was President, either. I thought about using the speech as fodder for Clarity of Vision, but I couldn't find my funny twist.

OK, you've got important things to do and I just have things to do, but we should both do them. Thanks for keeping me in digital print.

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