Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More Like The Sleeping Dead

Oh yeah. After the GRANDS went home last night, we did not have any trouble falling asleep. Parenting is a full-time position and us grandparents are not as young as we used to be. We are not even as young as we think in our own minds. Still, after a few days, we'll be ready for them again. You other grandparents know how that is.

Speaking of kids, though, why do they get the best chairs...molded for comfort, well-padded, able to rock? Hey, what if there were a version for us adults?

I am down to four days of training and job shadowing before I must support another team member's area for two weeks. Yeah, I am getting a bit anxious. I have just a couple of remaining tasks from my normal work and then, full time learning mode. Wow, if only I had an ultimate comfort chair.

The nights are getting more pleasant all the time now. We have weathered (a little weather pun there) the worst of the high temps and are heading into the season for enjoying outdoors (except for the pool that is already too cool for us). In the Southern Hemisphere, though, they are heading towards their summer. Too bad, so sad.

My calendar gave me a helpful tip from Sportscaster Ron Pickering during Olympic coverage: "Watch the time. It gives you an indication of how fast they're running."

I wish the dude that delivers donuts was coming in today. I would definitely have one. Yeah, I know that I shouldn't, and it is an academic discussion since he is not in, but still, a nice chocolate-glazed donut would really get my day started in a tasty way.

I suppose I cannot procrastinate any longer. The work won't do itself. Of course, if it could, they wouldn't need me. Oh, but then I could sleep longer. Oh 2, but then I wouldn't get paid. Enough with the voices in my head. Let's get this party started (and by party, I mean work. And by let's, I mean me, myself, and I).

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

I am so ready for the summer and so over all this rain!