Monday, September 24, 2012

The Birthday Hijinks are Over

I told you last week about making Alison pay for her own birthday dinner. Well, on Friday night, we went out again for her birthday, this time including JV+KLIK. We went to a steakhouse chain where, after the meal, they made Ali sit on a saddle and asked nearby patrons to yell "Yee-hah!" to wish her a happy b-day. She did not want to do it, but Bella wanted to see it. I think Lyndsay is the next family b-day.

Speaking of Lyndsay, it has been a week since we heard from Lindsay. Hello, girl. Take ten minutes and give us some NZ to AZ news.

Speaking of things we used letters to describe, it has been a whole weekend since we talked about non-disclosure agreements.

Did you see that the Cowboys and the Cardinals both won? And the Cards are 3-0 on the season for the first time in 38 years. I don't even want to think about how old I will be before I see that again.

No, I haven't really started serious car shopping yet. I am still borrowing the Expedition from Dad. What did we do before he had an extra car?

I had a request for a CoV about Obama's "You didn't build this business..." comment, but I haven't found the right words yet. I also got a request about Eastwood and the chair at the RNC, but haven't had a chance to find the right words for that, either. Ideas? Anyway, stay tuned.

We have two Chorale concerts this week. The first is tomorrow night during regular practice time, and the second is next Sunday. Luckily, I have more than one white shirt (yeah, in the Fall, it is often shirt-and-tie duds instead of casual Polo-style shirts).

OK, I am covering for another team member for the next two weeks, so I better get to checking those projects. Yes, of course, I will be telling you about it. When do I ever hold back?

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

They do that for b-day's at Texas Roadhouse....I have pics from my bro-in-law's 30th on the saddle :) I will update soon! I've been learning to knit and that is eating into my blogging time! Oh, and our internet wasn't working very well so we didn't get to see much of the game but we did see who won!