Friday, September 21, 2012

How Was Ali's Birthday?

It was nice, but low-key. In fact, she decided to go to Nello's Pizza last night and Texas Roadhouse tonight. What's funny, though, is that we did not have sufficient funds in our account to pay for it, and we are trying not to charge things on credit, so we made her pay for her own b-day meal with the promise that we will pay her back when my paycheck is deposited. Happy birthday, indeed. Yes, we did tell the staff and they embarrassed her by singing. A free slice of cheesecake was the prize for being sung to. BTW, she said to thank you, Linds, for your birthday wish from Kiwiland (she didn't actually say it in those words, but I took some liberties. It is my blog, after all).

I don't know if singing would work for speech recognition software, but speaking does.

I am down to my final day of training before I take over support for Pat's area on Monday. I am a little nervous, but it is a consistent process, so I should be able to keep everything running. Today, I learn about how to kick off a project.

Yes, I know that my physical is coming up next month, and yet, it has been three days since I hit they gym. It has only been one day, though, since I... ate a donut. I know it is bad for me, but those glazed chocolate cake ones call my name. Plus, when the vendor brings them in, no one else is around and I don;t want to miss my shot. I will try to be better. No donuts today, though, so it is all good.

OK, Ali said she doesn't often read my posts because they are too long, so I will cut it short today. Have a good weekend and come back on Monday, ready to read my family enlightenment and then do some serious work stuff (whatever that may be for you).

1 comment:

Keith said...

"Kick off a project"? There's a short CoV series waiting to happen....