Monday, September 17, 2012

Why God Gives Kids to Young People

Yup, we kept the GRANDS over the weekend. Let me share some of it with you. But first...a nap. OK, they arrive at 6:30am on Saturday. By 9am, we knew we needed an activity. OK, check the local museum times and prices. 11am and about $40 for all of us. what about a local pizza and indoor amusement park? A little more pricey, but it includes lunch and something to do.

When we got there, it looked very crowded. I suggested we choose somewhere else, but we had promised the girls. And we pay separately for rides and games (we chose another $40 of credits), so the cost was a bit more than expected. OK, we went in and found out there was a corporate event there that day, so it was crazy.

We had lunch and went into the game area. Indoor roller coaster, bumper cars, skeeball, carousel, mini-train. The girls were loving it. We also wanted to do bowling and mini-golf, so we were already running a little tight on funds. A man interrupted us asking what type of games tickets we had. I told him and he said they were leaving and had four unlimited-fund, all-day passes that we could have. Easy decision, right? So, mini-golf and bowling were back on our agenda. By the end, it was late enough that we also stayed for supper. All the kids were asleep by 9:30pm.

Yesterday, everyone slept until after 7am. We had church, but even then, there a slight mishap. We were on the way towards church, running a little late (which is not surprising since we are not used to getting three kids ready on a time schedule), when we realized we did not have the diaper bag. OK, back home and then arrive 15 minutes late for Sunday School. McDonald's for lunch so the girls can play for a while. We went swimming in the afternoon (well, the girls did. The water was too cold for adults). Again, asleep by 9:30pm.

Today, who knows? I had to come to work and they were still sleeping when I left. Since I am at work, I wrote a CoV that seems quite appropriate for the weekend.
I actually wrote this last week, but us old folks will need to recover after nonstop GRANDS.

OK, time to get ready for my regular Monday deliverables. But first...a nap.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Haha! Sounds like a fun weekend! You should her my parents talk after 3 days of grandkid camp :)