Thursday, September 13, 2012

THE END of having to read today's post IS NEAR!

THE END of summer IS NEAR! Whoo hoo. I can feel the chill in the air as we reach only 100°F today. Soon, it will top out in the 80s and people here will begin to wear this jackets. Crazy, I know, but there is truth in that.

THE END of you wait for today's Clarity of Vision comic IS NEAR! I imagine you are quite excited. I know that I would be. OK, let's see it so you can understand why I started the last two paragraphs with similar words.

THE END of wheat eating IS not NEAR for me! I actually have been reading about the improved health of those who eliminate wheat from their diet. So, I decided on this CoV as I ate my Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast and packed up pizza for lunch. I am clearly not ready to embrace such austerity myself. I am hitting the gym most days again.

THE END of training IS NEAR! I am feeling pretty good about covering for Pat during her vacation in a couple of weeks, but nervous that two weeks of training won't fully prepare me. If only I knew someone recently promoted to management (Kyle? Lindsay?) who could support me during that time. It should be OK if nothing really bad happens.

Here's a quote from my Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar. "Mike Caldwell, the Padres' right-handed southpaw, will pitch tonight" San Diego Padres sportscaster Jerry Coleman.

There was apparently a rocket launch at White Sands, NM, this morning. The news mentioned that a number of calls came in about the contrail up into the sky and the way it is lit by the rising sun makes it look ominous but pretty cool. By the time I saw it, though, the part linking some vertical clouds to the ground had blown away. I just looked online, but no one seems to have posted a photo of it.

THE END of this post IS NEAR! I am sure you are rejoicing, and even I am not gnashing my teeth. Let's have a great day, my friends.

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