Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Working Up Sweat Equity

We finally made it back to the gym last night. In fact, one of the employees there said he thought we had quit since it had been over three weeks since we were last there. Then, I suppose it tired us out more than we thought because we overslept by 40 minutes today.

When we got home last night, we made the Crispy Ranch Chicken from Dinner A'Fare. It was pretty good. It was not quite as crispy as it could have been, but it was very tasty.

Do you think that exercising will make my internal organs more valuable to hospitals if I donate them?

It sounds as if Jack will spend his first night with us at the end of this month. That's a little scary, keeping a two month old. I am certain we will divide duties such that I take more care of the girls while Kathie watches the baby. That's OK with me. I am much better with kids once they can communicate with me.

With Ali moving back in at the end of this month, we have got to get going on the bathroom remodel. Both the general contractor and now Lyndsay keep asking us what we want, but we don't know. I guess I need to dig into Pinterest and see if there are good ideas there.

OK, as I mentioned, I am running some 45 minutes late today, so I've got to get going. Tomorrow should be more normal.

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