Thursday, May 03, 2012

Almost De-Mac-ified

I came in this morning to find a new Lenovo Thinkpad and keyboard on my desk. In my email is a note saying, "I left your machine in your desk drawer. Let me know if you need help transferring files." Uh, helloooo. Of course, I want them to do it. They know better where to find all the files and make sure everything is copied. So, maybe by tomorrow, I will be writing this on my PC instead of my Mac. The only constant is change, right? At home, though, I am still a macophile.

Today's CoV involves ads that want you to change something, whether it is you flooring or your political leader.

I was wrong about who would be voted out in Survivor. I am not afraid to admit it. The ending involved not only a classic blindside, but a great reaction by the person voted out. However, they cannot keep Tarzan around until the end because the boys would all vote for him, just to spite the girls. And tonight is the next episode of Unchained Reaction on Discovery. Have y'all watched any of those? Have you ever heard of a Rube Goldberg device? I know you have seen them, even if the name is unfamiliar. You should check the show out. It is hosted by Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters. You have heard of that show, right?

OK, I need to get something to my boss before his morning meeting with our new CIO, so this will be it for today. Me and my PC will see you in the morning.

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