Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Profusion of Fusion Chicken

We made another of the prepared meals last night. can you guess its name? That's correct. It was Fusion Chicken. It was a little bit spicy (the hoisin sauce, maybe?), but quite tasty. I think that leaves us only one meal remaining.

No yellow algae in the pool yet. I am adding liquid chlorine each morning and sweeping it three times per day until the pump is replaced tomorrow morning.

I think most corporations force their employees to change their network passwords at least once per quarter. And they prevent reusing passwords for some number of changes. While it is not time for me to change yet, it is time for me to make fun of this process in today's Clarity of Vision.

We should reach 108F today, but then cool off down to near 100F in the next few days. Right now, many of you should recognize that we have reached the months when AZ pays for its nice winter weather. So now, we dream of October when we move back down into the 80s.

Have I reached the age when weather is the topic du jour? I had best sign off and go research some new topics for the coming days. Then again, it's just too hot to think that much. I'll just wait and see what I write tomorrow. If it is weather and temperatures again...so be it.

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