Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hospital and Pool is Not the Same as Hospital Pool

Today's post starts with a comment that Mom went into the hospital on Tuesday and they are still diagnosing her problem. Initial theory is a stomach ulcer caused by pain medication, but they are still running tests. So, I spent Tuesday afternoon and evening with her and Dad, and then again yesterday afternoon. As you can tell, I am in the office this morning. And I will be at a kindergarten graduation tonight. Oh, don't let me forget my camera.

Something else changed since we last visited. See if you can guess what it is. Does the post title help?
Yes, we converted our pool to salt-water. I have not had a chance to use it yet. I will probably wait until I have the water tested for chemical levels before I do so.

It could be a struggle to get fully back into work mode today. However, I know they are taking care of Mom and Dad is there with her. Only two meetings on my calendar, so that will help.

I'm not feeling so chatty today, so you get to leave early. I will not dock your pay, though. Until tomorrow then....

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

Give Grandma a hug for me. I love swimming in my dad's salt water pool. It makes me never want to swim in chlorine due to the smell and how it drys out my skin.