Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Not My Favorite Long Weekend

No, it's not because we had to take an extra day off from work yesterday. I like that. And we do have a number of veterans in our family, so they should get some recognition for their sacrifice.

No, it's not because we had a get-together/cook out/game night at JV+KLIK on Sunday. Those are always fun. Kyle grilled burgers and hot dogs. Several people played games (no, I don't know who won).

 And, as surprising as it might sound, it is not because we moved Ali from Casa Grande back home on Saturday. Ali had everything very well organized, so we made short work of the final move (we started two weeks ago with the bulk of her belongings and school furniture).

It's because I was feeling pretty bad, especially Sunday. It is a cold? Allergies? Pollution-related? I don't know, but I had a huge headache on Sunday and could not even focus my eyes well. It was better yesterday, but I still have a sore throat and some sneezing and coughing. See, even those symptoms do not allow for a simple diagnosis. I have been alternating between cold medicine and allergy medicine. Last night, I took Zyrtec.

Maybe I should take some different medicine? Is there anything made just for PMs?

I did have to do a little work yesterday afternoon. On Friday, I had agreed to prepare some training materials for Wednesday afternoon before I remembered that we were not working yesterday. So, I did 4 hours of work at home pulling the data and some screen shots. That should let me complete my package today for review by management before tomorrow's class.

 So, let's got today going. As John Wayne said in The Cowboys, "We're burning daylight."

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