Friday, May 04, 2012

A PC-Entered Post

Yes, today begins my first full day using a Lenovo laptop instead of my 17" MacPro. I just hope I have better luck with it. And to ease my withdrawal, I do still have Macs at home.

It does have Microsoft Visio on it, so I was able to write my Clarity of Vision on it. Here is today's comic, covering tomorrow's topic.

We are attending something at Bella's school tonight. A production? A graduation? I don't really know, but I will take my camera and be ready for anything.

Oddly enough, my creative well seems dry at the moment. I don't know what to say. I'll let you go early. After all, it is Friday. See you next week.


Craig Weeks said...

It seems like moving from a Mac to Lenovo would naturally and irresistibly suck all the water out of your creative well.

Lindsay Ward said...

Wait it's Saturday so what am I doing reading blogs?