Thursday, September 30, 2010

Back to Normal?

Maybe life can return to normal today. Dad's heart attack was not as severe as his first a few years ago. Still, any heart attack is serious. He goes home today. Whoo hoo. PTL. We went up and watched Survivor with him at the hospital last night. We were not happy with who they chose to evict. Oh well.

How about you? Is your life normal (whatever that means)? Anyway, I know a nephew wishes his normal included a job. What if he were applying for one and missed a key tenet of that position? Let's think about it for a minute.

We are only days away from high temperatures in the 90s. Whoo hoo #2. I hope we are then finished with the 100s until 2011. Are y'all's temps back to normal? Doesn't y'all's look funny with the plethora of apostrophes? How would you write it?

So, is it time for the State Fair of Texas? It is sometime around early October, right? A friend noted that we used to get off one day from school for Fair Day and everyone would spend the day in Fair Park. No parents. I guess kids cannot do that anymore.

I was talking to Mom yesterday about riding our bike down into Farmers Branch and being gone all day and Mom not really worrying. Nowadays, kids could not do that, and even if they did, they would have cell phones with them so they are never really out of contact.

I wrote this post while going back and forth with work email. Now, there is one from an area manager that will take a little investigation and a carefully worded response. So, I am probably not coming back to this today. I will leave it posted and you can read it when you come by.


Zachary said...

Thanks for the info. Which nephew is looking for a job?

Craig Weeks said...

The Fair started last Friday. Fried everything as far as the eye can see.
Click here to see what I mean.

Anonymous said...

dominos? forget them and try papa son in law did the same thing while going to law school/ christina did also; they had money to eat and still pay for the allowance of paying towards college. good luck with the job hunting..nephew!!