Friday, September 03, 2010

Almost Time for a 3-Day Weekend

We have made it to Labor Day, 2010. So, to honor labor, we do not labor. I tried to think of something else that we could honor by not doing it, but nothing came to mind. Any ideas?

Here is what CoV has to say about this weekend.

We are heading over to KLIK's one night for Game Night. Maybe I can swing by the game store and pick up the Bang! expansion before then. Maybe not.

I still have a little leak behind the fridge. I told you we hooked up the ice maker, right? There are leaks at both ends of the tubing. I don't want to overtighten and break anything, so it seems I am inching up on "tight enough."

I have a box of cupcakes set up on desk for everyone to see as they walk by this morning. It is the sampler set Lyndsay made and I am doing my part as a salesman. Probably not as overt (obnoxious?) as Kyle might do, but two people have already stopped by to look at them.

I am feeling 93.4% normal this morning. Still a bit of congestion. A little sneezing.

I just checked my office calendar. NO MEETINGS! None. I should get some stuff done today.

My remaining family bloggers have disappeared without so much as a fare thee well. Hey, y'all. Come on back.

Well, I have either run out of time or brainpower. Either way, no additional ideas are presenting themselves for this post. Y'all go ahead and get your weekend on. I'll meet you on the other side.


Lindsay Ward said...

I will re-appear in the blog-o-sphere soon! After September 15th! Been working too much lately to think about anything other than work! But I do have some pics saved up to post.

Zachary said...

I am just no longer a real poster, which is good, given their flat nature. I may post again once I finish my current deck project. We will see.

Brenda Walker said...

I have not disappeared! Just not a lot happening around here and don't want to bore everyone! Don't consider me gone!