Thursday, September 02, 2010

Bang! Rides Again

I just heard yesterday that a new expansion pack for Bang! has been released. One of the new characters can take up to 9 hits before dying. However, he cannot play a Missed card. Sounds good, right? I need to scoot over to and check out the pack. Other characters include Youl Crinner and Flint Westwood. It also includes a new card that allows you to swap places with the player on your right.

Did you get your cupcakes from B.K. Sweet Shoppe yet? That is Lyndsay's business name on Facebook. I think we get ours this weekend. Sweet.

What is not sweet is the plethora of ads on TV right now where opponents attack each other.

I am glad business is good at work, but whew! Will it ever slow down to a normal workday? It doesn't seem so. I just received my 2-year award last night in the mail. Sure, I've been here 4 years, but that's not important. No, it's only been 2, it just feels like 4.

The coffee stand downstairs is moving to all healthy recipes, so they no longer offer cranberry or poppy seed muffins. That's sad for my taste buds and good for my waist. The good thing is I am not tempted by the new healthy muffins. I don't like their texture nor their sweeter taste.

Here we are at Friday Eve. Nice, huh? Do you have plans for the long weekend? For most of us, we do not work on Monday, Labor Day. So, since I was sick earlier this week, I get two short weeks in a row. Whoo hoo.

Being the dedicated 2-year employee that I am, I am already chomping at the bit to get after today's tasks. So, I will ask that you finish your coffee and crumpets (what is a crumpet, anyway?) and skedaddle (first known use of this word was 1861. No, I was not around then). Come back anytime.

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