Friday, August 27, 2010

Last Friday in August, 2010

We are almost 2/3 through 2010. Can you believe how quickly the year has passed? Next thing you know, we'll have to remember to write 2011 on checks. Do any of you still write checks? Do you physically write anything anymore?

If I get a company phone, I can upgrade it to an iPhone for $100. I have resisted so far since I don't really want to be on a 24x7 leash, and they don't really need to reach me that badly. The family thinks I might as well so we can have the company provide a data plan and we can check internet while out driving, I get an upgrade to my old iPod, and we might could drop the cost of my cell phone. Thoughts?

Everything has a cost, of course. And cable companies are good examples.

I am not sure of the plans for the weekend. Alison's roommate is away, so she'll probably hang out with us. They are scheduled to hook up her cable tomorrow.

I think I am going to pick up some Torx wrenches this weekend and disassemble my old iMac. I was reading about the capacitor problem and what it takes to fix it. So, the first step is to verify that is what is wrong. Worst case, I pull the hard drive and put it into an external case. That should recover all the data on it.

My boss is on vacation next week, so I will be her acting delegate. Luckily, I do not have to go to all her meetings. Hopefully, though, the other responsibilities will be minimal and I can get caught up a bit on my assignments.

OK, I need to put on my work hat and do stuff. You guys finish your coffee and lock up when you leave. Take care.


Zachary said...

Taking apart computers and attempting to fix them is always fun. Makes me wish I could come by and enjoy the festivities. I have taken apart at least 5 computers in the past month and was able to fix the problem or add the functionality I desired to all of them but 1! Hope you have as much success!

Keith said...

What's happening? I need my daily REW Blog fix. Are you ill? We're missing you.