Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm Late. I'm Late for a Very Important Date

Well, not really for a specific engagement, but I am running a little late in getting going on blogging. Today's CoV took a little longer than normal to create. I needed to work through the concept so I could reach the final punch line and that took some planning. Here is the comic strip.
Alison came by last night, but forgot the garage door opener. So, she had to wait until Kathie or I got home, and both of us were running late. We had a nice little meal together and caught up a bit. Then, off to Target for a TV antenna so Ali can watch TV until she gets cable.

It seems like I missed some emails yesterday. I see them now, but I don't remember them being in my email Inbox before. Oh well, I need to address a couple of them soon. So, I will write what I can in the next five minutes and then end it all. By all, I mean this post entry.

I brought the last of the left-over Lyndsay spaghetti for lunch today. Mmm mmm. I can hardly wait. And today's fruit is a pear. Yesterday was a banana and Monday and Tuesday were apples. I just remembered that I am in a catered lunch meeting today, so I will save the spaghetti for tomorrow. D'oh.

Ahh! Only one more minute for blogging. The pressure is on. What else can I think of to say and type in for the next 45 seconds? Yes, I do see y'alls comments each day. I do not usually respond, though. Thanks for participating.

Time's up. Bye.

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