Friday, August 06, 2010


Let's go ahead with the trivial for today. That means I will insert today's CoV right now.And now, let's get to the meat of today's blog. It is our 34TH ANNIVERSARY today. Whoo Hoo. Thanks, Kathie, for putting up with me for so long. I love you. Now, let's start our next 34 years together.

Tonight is our annual Friday night swim party with the GRANDS. It had been on Thursdays, but not this week. And tomorrow, we paint Alison's room at her new place.

As you can see, there are no additional pictures in today's post. Alison and I went paint supply shopping last night. Kathie had to attend PTO at school.

BTW, I am posting on the Mac side today. Internet Exploder is acting up over on my Windows 7 side. I guess I need to have someone check it out.

I see it is time to do some work, but I will let you down slowly. I won't just dash away and you wonder what happened to me. I won't drop you like a hot potato. Well, I spent so long looking for analogies that I need to leave now. Sorry.


Caleb said...

Today's cartoon was very entertaining. Happy Anniversary.

The Grandparents said...

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary,
happy anniversary, haaaaappy anniversary!