Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Taking a Swag at Humor

Today's post title is a clever way of tying in today's CoV. It also implies that what I write every day may be humor to me, but you may not find it funny. That would not be a surprise. I am often my own biggest fan. Anyway, let's go ahead and look at Clarity of Vision.
Mmm. We had some spaghetti left over from Lyndsay's party for dinner last night. It was still good. In fact, I brought the rest to work for lunch.

Mom is still sick. And I heard Carey has it, too. Sounds like a contagious cold. I think I will avoid both of them for a while.

Alison is still living down in Gilbert. That's good. Hopefully, the house is not too hot in the evenings.

Did you vote today? Here in AZ, even Independents can vote in a party primary. You have to choose which party's ballot you want. So, I stopped in on my way to work. Our polling place is about 1/4 mile from home, so it is very convenient. Even in today's closed up, air conditioned society, they still have to go out when the polls open and yell, "The polls are now open. The polls are now open for voting." I cannot imagine too many people heard it.

So, let me now announce, "The workplace is now open. You may now commence work." I'd better heed the call. Thanks for reading.


Craig Weeks said...

"I am often my own biggest fan."

That may be a future Facebook status message.

Craig Weeks said...

Hey, did your bride punt on Facebook?