Friday, August 20, 2010

The End of a Long Week

This week has seemed longer than most. I don't know if it was my eye twitch, or extra-heavy demands at work, or what. Still, I am really glad it is Friday. True, we do still have to get through today, but I think I can make it. Unfortunately, I have meetings at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 2pm and 3pm. I'll try to fit some work in around them. One of them is in my building, and the others are over at a main campus building. There goes my covered parking.

I can often end my introductory paragraph with clever words that lead to the topic of CoV. Not today. Here is my comment on the nationwide egg recall.
Hey, I'm sorry. You cannot create humor out of life without breaking a few eggs.

Well, we had our annual haircut and swim party last night. We went all fancy and had Sonic for dinner. Tonight, Bella and Kendall are sleeping over. Tomorrow, out to Queen Creek and KLIK's house.

Ali is thinking this will be her final weekend living at home. Whoo hoo! Did that sound too enthusiastic? No, we all think it is a good next step for her.

110F today. I had hoped we left most of that behind with July. Yeah, don't give me any of that "It's a dry heat" nonsense. It is still too hot on your hands when you open a car door. The steering wheel is still painful to hold. When I get home, the car key is hot enough to fry an egg (even one with salmonella). It's still hot.

Hey, I need to decide if I am going to Disneyland on the next trip. I have not been in a while, primarily due to this new job and the paucity of vacation days (paucity. good word, huh? It would be even cooler if I knew what it meant). The park will be done up for the holidays, so it'll be purty. The weather will be cooler, so the park will be comfortable. But Disney prices have gone up, so it won't be cheap. All the others have annual passes, but it'll cost me $100/day just to get in. Plus, I'll need to pay my part of gas, hotel, food. And, I'll burn more days of vacation. But it has been a while since I went with the girls to the Happiest Place on Earth. Ahh, decisions, decisions.

I don't have time to lollygag with y'all. I've got to get something accomplished before I start the meetings block at 10am. Sorry to bail, but you understand. Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

About the Disneyland thing, I say go for it!