Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Whoo Hoo, Halfway Through

I don't know about y'all, but I have been crazy busy this week. And it's only Wednesday morning! So reaching the halfway point of the week is a minor miracle. Just three meetings today, so maybe I can actually get some of my assigned work completed. After all, I want to still be employed at the end of the week.

I started thinking about how to transition from the personal comments to today's CoV, but nothing tasteful came to mind. So, let's just read it together.
Yes, there was a Port-a-Potty blocking some of a freeway this morning. I'm creative, but this would never have occurred to me otherwise. The radio announcers could not make any jokes about this incident, so I felt it was my duty. Also, some obvious statements came to mind.

We had a East Valley Chorale concert last night at a retirement village. They had a nice theater where we sang and a pretty good crowd attended. So, while we did not get to practice new songs, we did finish 45 minutes earlier than our normal finish time on Tuesdays.

Since I was not home, we did not do anything about Alison's new place last night. I think she did some school planning work anyway.

My eyes just glazed over and I started some work thinking. I hate when that happens while we are visiting. However, it did, so I am going to go answer some emails. You are welcome to stay, but close up when you leave. Thanks.

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