Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Man! I Feel Like a Woman

That's right. Sometimes, you've got to sing a fun song, even if it is sung from the viewpoint of the other sex. Check out today's CoV about a Shania Twain song.I'm secure enough in my manhood to harmonize when a song calls for it.

Six meetings today. Really? No time for actual work then. Still, I guess my actual work is whatever the company says it is.

We did not do any move-related work last night. Still, it looks like this could be the last weekend Alison lives at home. We are all a little nervous and excited at this next chapter in her life.

I need to go clean up my to-Do list before the first meeting at 8:30am, so I am signing off. No, not singing off. That was covered in CoV. See you maƱana.

1 comment:

Lindsay Ward said...

I'm wondering why that song was in your head?