Tuesday, August 10, 2010

750 and Counting

This is my 750th post. Whew! I am quite sure none of you can say you have read them all. I am not sure I have, either. Still, thanks for reading a few.

Are you a planner? I am, sort of. In fact, maybe today's comic speaks to how I plan to plan.
Another trip to Ikea last night. We have almost certainly chosen the furniture Ali wants for her new place. We used Excel to draw her room and arrange the items in it. So we might go get it later this week. If we are going to assemble it over at her new place, though, I want her to turn on the A/C before we get there. It will be reaching over 110F again this week, so I am sure the house will get over 90F.

We ran out of bottled water at work yesterday. I am having to use filtered water from the tap. Gross.

Only three meetings on tap for today. The last one is from 4-5pm, though, and we have a Chorale concert tonight. I will just have to leave at 5pm, even if it is not over. Well, I plan to, anyway.

Speaking of meetings, the first is at 8:30am, and I lead it, so I should plan it now. Let's call Post 750 a wrap, OK? OK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after the concert we "planned" on going to marie calendars...little did we know when we arrived the "plans" of restaraunt had changed. odd, how everyone knew this but 3 of us? a "planned" bathroom stop by pat, and i did not feel like "changing" plans again so we stayed and had a slice of pie by ourselves...i wont "plan" on doing that again...as a blind person does not need more frustrations in life!!