Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Interpretation of LOST

Sure, many of you watched LOST from the beginning. Others were converted at some point since the first season. Of course, I waited until it is time for the final season and am trying to cram 103 episodes into the next 3 months. Today's cartoon, however, is really only using the title and high-level plot to attempt a degree of levity, so do not expect a CoV Walkabout or anything.
So, I will be going over to Chorale again tonight. Let's see if last week was a fluke or maybe now I can have a range of 4 notes instead of 3. Plus, since I have to direct the first part of next week's practice, I want to see how he directs the songs he gave me, how fast, solo assignments, etc.

I am eating my final Willcox pear today (it is actually a 20th century variety). They were good. Does that mean Lyndsay was right and I am glad we drove 3 hours each way to get them. I suppose so.

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

Wait. You show up at chorale after a long hiatus and within 2 weeks you're filling a leadership role? Did you fail to disclose your unadulterated hatred for conducting (remember, Walkus, we go *way* back)? I smell conspiracy.