Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hotter Than What?

We are back in the warmth of a Phoenix summer after spending a few days in the mountains of Flagstaff. We were getting a high temperature of 74F, and here in the Valley of the Sun, we are getting a low temperature of 81F. So, it will take a couple of days to reacclimate.

We had a nice little anniversary trip. Our hotel offered a pleasant forest view. We ate at a place featured on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives on the Food Network. We ate at a place with wait-staff singing Broadway tunes. We visited a Dairy Queen (although we did not reenact the time I asked Kathie to marry me at a DQ in Sweetwater, TX).

I did keep up with the news a bit, so I heard about the bridge in Oakland, CA. This cartoon came from that.

I have uploaded my photos at home, but then we went to the folks' house for burgers last night, so I have none ready for posting. Soon. Really. We saw the grandgirls last night. Kyle and crew played the Mad Magazine game. Kari won by losing all her money. Kyle had the best Boo, but was voted as not being good looking. This is a dangerous game.


Caleb said...

What is the Mad Magazine game?

CrazyUncle said...

It is a game where the object is to lose all your money. It was published by Parker Bros in 1979. We had a copy years ago, and Kyle and Lyndsay found a copy and gave it to me this past Christmas. It has some crazy cards and rules. On one card, it says that if you can stay airborne for 37 seconds, you can lose $5000. Another says to boo the person on your left. Another says if you act like a rock and are good, you lose $1000.