Monday, September 28, 2009

Ante Up

While I never did this on days I worked late, I am sure some have. It doesn't matter. I was really just using the play on words and Poker fit the best. Then again, who knows how politics really works. After all, a lot of business deals are made on golf courses.
I am almost finished with LOST Season 1. It will be done this week. We could have finished, but we don't want to get too far behind on broadcast TV shows. So we watched the 2-hr premiere of Heroes and the 2-hr premiere of Amazing Race.

We had a sweet-fest from Lyndsay for Ali's birthday. We have now finished almost all of it. I do have a few pumpkin waffles left along with homemade apple syrup. And I have not opened the homemade apple butter she gave me yet. I cannot understand why Kyle isn't gaining weight left and right with this kind of cooking all the time.

Dad's hair continues to grow, but it does not look like it will be curly. Why did I think it might grow back curly? Someone that had cancer told us that. I suppose it is not always true.


Craig Weeks said...

Sometimes it grows back not just curly but dark, too. Neither happened for my mom. Maybe the rules change once you pass a certain ... um ... milestone.

Lewis said...

Forget LOST...Forget work...get on photoshop now and give us a preview of my Uncle Don with a Fro.

Lindsay Ward said...

My friend's hair grew back curly after chemo. She loved it.