Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It's Like in The Jerk

We have org announcements today. At 9am, the overall org will be discussed at the Airport Hilton. Hey, do we get to spend the night? Then, at 1pm, the department I am now in has an org meeting. Somehow, this reminded me of the scene in The Jerk when he gets excited because "The new phone books are here. The new phone books are here!"

Still, aren't we all just "cogs in something turning?" (Lyrics from Woodstock by Joni Mitchell)

I think I told you all my news before CoV. I have not had time to create new strips, so another meaningless deadline approaches. I have CoV ready through Friday, and I do have ideas written down, but have not twisted them yet.

OK, I need to finish packing my desk so they can move me to my new building. You all just talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you some topics. Scotland - do they have haggis for brains for releasing that terrorist? ObamaCare - panacea or pandemic?

1 comment:

Craig Weeks said...

You forgot the best part of that quote:

"My name in print!"