Monday, September 14, 2009

Cats and Dogs...Living Together...Mass Hysteria

Well, it is not as bad as Bill Murray predicted in Ghostbusters, but we are on the way. Blue and Red walls in the folks' house? Wallpaper disappearing? Sticks springing up in empty vases. That reminds me of the time our daughter-in-law convinced us to go with yellowish and maroonish walls. What? It was her idea at the folks' house, too. Ah ha! It begins to make sense. Actually, it is looking good, just like our house did. Thanks, Lyndsay.

Luckily, we live in neighborhoods where we want to fix up our houses. Here is my comment on the slightly less safe area in which our offices are located.

I cannot believe I am letting you people get your Lost hooks into me. If I watch one episode per night, I should be caught up by the time the new season starts in January. If I wait, I will find out the full secrets of the show before I see it. If I start now, I can enjoy the final reveals along with you. OK, here I go. I may need to borrow Seasons 3,4,5 from Casey since I don't think any of the PHX Walkers have those.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Don't give in. Stay Strong. Be found.