Friday, September 12, 2014

'Water' You Doing This Fine Friday?

Let's head over toward June Lake, CA, for our photos today. The first couple of shots are close-ups of a little waterfall on the hill behind our cabin. Which setting do you think highlights the waterfall better? The first is focused on just the waterfall, while the second shows the grand view of the hillside around the waterfall. If you want, listen to Chris Tomlin sing Waterfall while you read today's post.

Now we will move back and see even more of the setting around the waterfall.

The final view is of us in front of the cabin. You can see the waterfall in the background. How would you like to wake up to the view every morning? (I meant the waterfall, not the people, although they are pretty good looking)

Mel Brooks just got his hand and shoe prints in cement at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. He said (on Conan) that he wanted to leave a unique mark, and so he had a fake additional finger on his left hand. Apparently, no one noticed until afterward. Pretty funny, right?

Did Adam name alligators? I do not know the word in Hebrew, but our word actually came from Spanish explorers. According to the story I read, "16th century Spanish explorers referred to the large reptiles they found in the Americas as “el lagarto de Indias,” or “the lizard of the Indies.” Thanks to their phrase and a few phonetic shifts as it made the jump to English, we now refer to those same large reptiles as alligators."

Tortilla chip-encrusted chicken? Biscuit-encrusted chicken? OK, let's all go to The Bell.

Black cheese? Then you'll have to go to Burger Japan.

Do you watch Shark Tank on ABC? We do and I enjoy it. I like seeing the products being offered, and to hear the Sharks talk about why they do or do not want to invest gives insight into viable business opportunities. Anyway, it sounds like they may spin one of my favorite parts into its own show. Beyond The Tank will talk about how past investments have fared. No premiere date set yet.

Let's check out a CoV BEFORE the end of today's post.

Do you have an iTunes account? Have you heard about the flap over the new U2 album Apple is giving us for free? It seems that there is a way to have purchased music automatically download to your iPhone. So, if it is already pretty full, this could totally fill it. And it sounds like it is difficult to remove. Read this to see what you might want (need?) to do about it.

"Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar." Have you ever said that? I don't think I have. What company makes it? Do you know? Here is what I learned just this morning. "Due to licensing laws and contracts, all the Kit-Kat candy bars made in the USA are produced by Hershey’s and all the Kit-Kats made in the rest of the world are produced by Nestle."

Do you want to read everything there is to know about Disney's Haunted Mansion? This might be a good place to start.

I see sunlight outside. That must mean I should begin my workday. Have a great weekend and let's meet again on Monday.

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