Monday, September 22, 2014

Two Weeks in a Row

For the second week in a row, the two teams that I most closely follow in the NFL have won their games. And one of them remains 3-0. Who are they? That's for me to know....

How was your weekend break? Nice? I think TD had a good b-day weekend. And it continues with a little party next weekend, too.

TD was not a T back when we went to the UK. However, she did get her own bedroom in the castle.

Here's the master suite that MBH and I occupied.

The room was fine, but the view to which we woke was very nice.

Another interesting view is presented in this video, which blends people and a 3D projection video. It will only take a few minutes and it is pretty cool.

Here is another alleged real-life corporate quote.
"We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees." - AT&T Long Lines Division

Here's another Disney-related blog that started off interesting, but I have only spent maybe five minutes in it. I thought I would go ahead and share it with you anyway.

I frequently ask you what you are planning to do with all that extra money you have laying around? This time, what about that $8,000 you tucked away? How about a flight between NYC and LAX? It includes shrimp scampi and cucumber-infused water and little cubicle bed. Go ahead. You know you want to.

I am NOT adding any jots or tittles when the daily CoV has Biblical-sounding themes. that's why today's title is Just Like Genesis 26. I debated using Heaven's Kitchen for the title, but I wanted a place to add a referenced to where the original story could be found.

What do you think? Are all of these images real? I probably will not try and look them up on Google Maps either way.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Fall is nice because we will only reach the low 100s. It also means we can go to cooler climes and see actual color changes in the leaves. Foliagettes, here we come.

Well, by 'here we come', I mean 'not today because we've got real work to do'. I had best get on with it so I will get paid again this week. Thank y'all for stopping by.

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