Friday, April 25, 2014

Where's MBH?

MBH, my loving and patient wife, is headed to TX for a memorial visit to her parent's gravesites this weekend. I hope she has pleasant flights and a good visit with family. While she is gone, I will be going to a BYU Vocal Point concert with my oldest GRAND. We should have a good time.

Let's finish up the Lessons Learned series in today's Clarity of Vision.

When the GRANDS spent the night last week, they watched Frozen. They decided to have their dolls perform the songs while they watched. You can see the scene on the TV as they dance. I guess all the dolls on the floor were waiting their turn in the song.

What was JV doing during the above-mentioned doll dancing and singing? If you know him, you can already guess what he was doing.

Then, he and I retired to the bedroom for some Disney Channel.

I think I will carry a lunch to work, even though there is a department picnic today. I have not heard that it will be vegan-friendly and I'd rather not take the chance. The last event did have black bean burgers, but it was on the grounds of a local farm. Today's event is just at a public park.

Wow, there are no good links on any of my daily websites that I want to share. I guess we can finish early. I am sure you had your hopes up, but I got nothing for you. Have a great weekend, though.

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