Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Wrinkle in Time

I suppose a couple of you might have noticed my conspicuous absence the last couple of days. Well, Monday was a holiday and I don't usually publish on those days. However, even if I did, I would not have written a post. MBH and I both caught something and were pretty sick. However, yesterday, every other member of my team was out of the office and we had an intern starting, so I had to come in and bring over to our work area and help him get set up. Yeah, it was a challenge, but I was already on the mend and am even better today. Not good, but better.

Since two of us were sick, it was up to the third household member to do laundry. Laundry is never a fun job. And you have to keep pulling things out of the dryer as you go to minimize wrinkles (in the clothes, I mean. I still have my own wrinkles). It is a mind-numbing task...and never-ending. Right? "Hey, didn't I just do all the laundry yesterday and there is already a new stack?"

Did any of you read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle? I read it years ago and then read it to my kids when they were old enough. Since I mentioned wrinkles in the post, I decided to make this the title of today's blog entry.

No photo since I am writing this Wednesday morning. And I have to teach at our certification prep class today, so I need to finalize my presentation.

Hey, I am on vacation the rest of this week and Monday, so don't look for an update. I should be back on Tuesday with a new photo and a new CoV. Have a great weekend.

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