Thursday, June 06, 2013

I'm Baaaaack

Did anyone notice that I was not posting for a few days? No? Well, you probably needed a break. I know I did. MBH and I spent a couple of days in San Diego and then the family joined us for Sea World and Disneyland. I did not go with them to The Dis because I had to come back and work.

How does SD rate against PHX for fun? How do you think?

SD did have its own treats, such as trying to photograph this duck scooting along at water level. I did.

We were in California, and it is the state with the newest national park. Did you hear about it? Pinnacles?

Did you know that today is D-Day? According to wikipedia, that term refers to the initiation of a military campaign. However, since WW2, most people think of that as the first thing when they hear the term. Today is also the day the first drive-in theater opened, and George Orwell's 1984 was first published.

We recently went to see Iron Man 3. Imagine my surprise when I found a video on youtube on how it should have ended.

Hey, I am sitting for the certification test on July 19. I should probably do some studying before then, right?


Keith said...

I did miss you! Welcome back.

Craig Weeks said...

This is how Ed Sullivan celebrated the day D-Day came of age.