Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Really Fun Concert

Our local chorale sang with the women's choir from California Baptist University last night. It was really fun having them join us in some songs, but even more fun was having their conductor lead us. It was a challenge to change the way we normally sing a song to match her directions and expectations. She even made us do some movement as we sang. While it is true that both groups have seniors in them, our seniors have a bit more challenge with movement than theirs.

Preacher Bro, tell your youngest that I talked to the lady with whom she is staying this summer. I really liked her and would certainly be OK if she moved here and conducted our group all the time.

No, I keep my watching TV addiction in check. But can we talk about this later? I'm watching Person of Interest.

No photos today since I am actually writing this on Wednesday morning. So, all my words are Wednesday's Words instead of Tuesday's typings.

Remember that I have to teach our PMP Study Group next Wednesday? Well, I am pretty much finished with the presentation itself, but I had not chosen the game to use. I have now. It will be Pimmy Pong (based on a Minute to Win It game where you have to bounce a ping pong ball into a cup). They must bounce it into the A, B, C, or D cup, depending on which answer they believe is right. Here is one of the questions:

You are the PM of the 128A Project. You have completed the project according to the design documents and have met the project scope. The customer agrees that the design document requirements have been met; however, the customer is not pleased with the project deliverables and is demanding additional adjustments be made to complete the project. What is the best way to continue?

A.Complete the work as the customer has requested
B.Complete the work at 1.5 the billable rate
C.Do nothing. The project scope is completed
D.Do nothing. Management from the performing organization and the customer’s organization will need to determine why the project failed before adding work

Which one do you think? They are the customer. Do we make the changes they actually want? Do they need to make a decision before we actually finish? No, it is C. The agreed-to scope is done, so we are finished.

OK, I need to get the day started. Thanks for taking the test.

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