Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Prayers and Parents and Photoshop and Grandparents and GERD

Lyndsay's grandmother is still alive, although she is weakening. Continue to pray for the family.

My father is feeling better everyday. Still, he is recovering from a heart attack and a stroke. I hope he will not try to do too much too quickly. Keep him in your prayers, also.

First kids get a lot of immediate reaction from their parents. Middle and last...not so much. Grandkids? Oh, they'll be fine.

Check out this article. It is an amazing makeup job that, at first, looks like a Photoshopped picture. No, if you read about it, he actually made himself look that way with makeup, a wig, and a good choice in clothing.

This requires a how-to video? And why stop there? What else can we mount on the bathroom walls? iPad case? Family photo album? Last week's newspaper? It's kind of funny.

We are watching Revenge as I type this. It is a weird show, but we are invested in it now. We watched Smash while we ate.

[Tuesday too] Stupid GERD. It is acting up again. I felt it the last couple of days, during which I ate Chinese food. Related? I don't know. Maybe the medicine I take for it isn't strong enough? I used to use prescription stuff, but started using Walgreen's generic. Now that I recognize it is happening, I will watch what I eat and try to elevate my upper body as I sleep.

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