Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Early Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to Mom. Yes, Mom, I still look to you for motherly advice even after all these years. And Happy Mother's Day to the mother of my children, MBH. Yes, dear, you are still their mother even after all these years. And Happy Mother's Day to the mother of our GRANDS, our daughter-in-love.

It turns out that the pain MBH felt in her side was not a bruise, and not indigestion. It is shingles. Yes, people younger than 60 can indeed come down with it. She is on medicine, but I guess it takes a while before it gets better. Dad is better, though, so that's a praise. My acid reflux is worse, though, so that stinks.

The Glee season finale is on as I write this. It involves a wedding and a competition, but no spoilers here. I don't know when it returns, but hopefully in the fall. We also just watched the season finale of Vikings. The head Vike was a naughty boy. And this one doesn't come back until 2014.

Let's check on our favorite comic folks. Here is a story pulled from the headlines...of 1983.

Speaking of comics reminds me of Shakespeare. Well, not really and it is not a very good segue, but today's picture is linked to Shakespeare. The photo is Cawdor Castle, traditionally associated with Macbeth.

It's going be a long next few days. I've got assignments in the formal class I am taking for my PMP test, including a case study about a firm that wants to investigate and implement a CMS system (by Monday). Say what? I've got to prepare a presentation for the informal study group I am part of for my PMP test (by Thursday), and read the next chapter about Procurement Management (by Wednesday). I've got to prepare a Sunday School lesson for Sunday. I've got a funeral on Saturday and a luncheon at the GRANDS house on Sunday for Mother's Day. Other than that, I am not sure how I will spend my free time.

[Friday fun stuff] For today, though, I have to contact all my project members and write weekly reports for each. I also have a class all afternoon, so the reports must be finished by lunchtime. So, I cannot hang around and jabber with your people. See you on the flip side.

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