Wednesday, May 08, 2013

New News

Father-in-law news
Lyndsay's grandmother has gone on to be with the Lord. Now, she'll no longer be in pain, her mind and body restored even better than before. And she is waiting for all of her family to join her in everlasting Glory. Still, we will all miss her.

Personal news
I am getting signed up for an online course in preparation for my project management certification. Things are fixing to get busy.

Grandfather news
Here is today's kids vs grandkids CoV. It's true, isn't it?

Husband news
I have been busy recently and have not finished sanding the laundry room walls. So, my to-do list still looks the same. Tape and bed the ceiling and intersecting walls, sand everything, apply texture.

Wife news
MBH is feeling better. The pain in her side (no, not me. That would be a pain in the neck) is betting better. It must be a strain from something she did with the kids.

[Wednesday wonderings] No, MBH is in pain today, and she decided to call the doc. Time for a little prayer.

Photo news
I think our dog looks like a sheep until he is trimmed. Don't you? Actually, it is a sheep (surprised?). This is one of those cute little UK sheep that we saw back in 2004.

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