Tuesday, May 14, 2013

University Days are Over..Again

I called my academic advisor Monday morning and said I did not want to continue with the PMP Test Program. I kept good notes and documented my reasoning so that they can maybe fix this class before offering it again. As I told my dude, I spent 9-10 hours on this class over the past week. Of that, about 3 hours was possible assistance for the test, but the rest was more about employing the information than knowing stuff for the test. So, I will finish my Study Group and then, I am on my own for preparing.

I am watching Elementary as I write tonight's post. I haven't been watching that closely, though, because I need to prepare a lesson for the Study Group session next week. The manager wants to review it Thursday, so I've got to knock it out in the next couple of days. I just checked and we have 12 programs recording tonight. How can we ever keep up?

Which ones of you readers have a smartphone? I suspect more of you have iPhones than Android models, but only one of those could use the Ice Cream OS.

Here is a little Photoshop playing I did a few years ago of Tolquhon Castle in Scotland. How do you pronounce that? Check the link to see. I drew the lower left of the photo in and then faded between the drawing and the photo.

Did I tell y'all about this? My notes do not show that I used this idea for the blog yet, so if you have already seen it, ignore this paragraph. Anyway, I wonder if Dad and I would have done something differently with the laundry room if we had seen this first? It's just a new way to frame.

Oh yeah, I feel much better now that the class if not hanging over me. Blast, I was hoping it would really help me prepare. I know of two others that are dropping it, also. We all shared our reasoning with our advisors.

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